Neighborhood Watch is back!

We launched our Neighborhood Watch Program for Magdalene Grove in May.  The Program involves citizen participation in crime prevention: being aware and alert and reporting suspicious activity to the Sheriff’s Office. 

For Reporting to Sheriff’s Office:
For Emergencies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 911
For Non-Emergencies . . . . . 813-247-8200

Block Captains have taken on the task of contacting you to verify information for our directory as well as adding any safety measures you have taken (RING doorbells, cameras, lights, etc.).   Our list is not complete and is a “work in progress,” so if you have not been contacted as yet, please reach out to your Block Captain or Vickie (813-917-8354).  The complete list of Block Captains was listed in the last Newsletter.

~~ From Your MGCA Board ~~
Protect Yourself and Your Home!
*Lock it or Lose It*
*Ring Doorbells, Cameras and Lights are the best deterrents*
*For the uninvited, there is “no soliciting” in our neighborhood!